We are called to live out our Christian faith in every aspect of our lives—no matter where we are or what we’re doing. Pope Benedict XVI solidified this point last week, as he commented on two unique topics.
…team sport, such as football, is an important school for teaching a sense of respect for others including opponents, the spirit of personal sacrifice with a view to the good of the whole group, the enhancement of gifts of each person, who is a member of the team; in a word, how to overcome the logic of individualism and selfishness which often characterizes human relationships, in order to make room for the logic of brotherhood and love, which alone can enable the promotion — at all levels — of the true common good.
Dear friends, always be conscious that you are called to embody in the world’s airports the Church’s mission of bringing God to man and leading man to the encounter with God…Be assured that even in chance encounters, people are able to recognize a man of God, and that often a small seed falling on good soil can bring forth abundant fruit.
All that we do with our time, even in sport, has the power to sanctify us. Pope Benedict beautifully makes this point, reminding us to live out Christ’s witness, recognizing man’s dignity in every encounter that we have.
The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. Camiseta Sergio Ramos